Sira No 
1Follow the historical development process of Turkish literature through texts.
2Define the stylistic features of texts from different periods.
3Have knowledge about the nature of literature which shapes social changes.
4Define the differences, similarities and common features between literary genres.
5Gain the ability to learn about the theories of literature and methods of criticism and make text analysis.
6Gain the capacity to understand and explain literature as an art and to produce literary texts.
7Define the basic concepts used in accepted scientific studies related to Turkish language and literature and define the basic issues in the field.
8Define how new research topics are identified in light of language and literary theories.
9Interpret Turkish language grammaticals in the light of language theories.
10Introduce and teach Turkish on the international scene; participate in discussions related to language.
11Monitor newly developments on language and literature using a foreign language and discuss it with colleagues.
12Have knowledge about the business opportunities related to language and literature and have capability of working in areas outside the education sector.
13Take responsibilty both as a team member or individually in a research or projects related to Turkish language & literature; conduct these research and projects.
14Have awareness and sensitivity towards historical and cultural values.