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CollapseOpsiyon Adi: (Kredi = 197.0, AktsKredi = 318.0)
 CollapsePeriod: 1 (Kredi = 14.0, AktsKredi = 20.0)
  CollapseCourse Type: Required (Kredi = 14.0, AktsKredi = 20.0)
   1PSI101Psychology IRequired3003.04.0
   1TAR111Introduction to World History IRequired2002.03.0
   1FEL171Introduction to PhilosophyRequired3003.05.0
   1TUR101Turkish Language IRequired2002.02.0
   1HIST103History of World Civilizations IRequired2002.03.0
   1EAP101English for Academic Purposes IRequired2002.03.0
 CollapsePeriod: 2 (Kredi = 14.0, AktsKredi = 20.0)
  CollapseCourse Type: Required (Kredi = 14.0, AktsKredi = 20.0)
   2PSI102Psychology IIRequired3003.04.0
   2TAR112Introduction to World History IIRequired2002.03.0
   2SOS172Introduction to SociologyRequired3003.05.0
   2TUR102Turkish Language IIRequired2002.02.0
   2HIST104History of World Civilizations IIRequired2002.03.0
   2EAP102English for Academic Purposes IIRequired2002.03.0
 CollapsePeriod: 3 (Kredi = 5.0, AktsKredi = 6.0)
  CollapseCourse Type: Required (Kredi = 5.0, AktsKredi = 6.0)
   3PSI207Theories of Personality IRequired3003.04.0
   3AIIT201Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution IRequired2002.02.0
 CollapsePeriod: 4 (Kredi = 5.0, AktsKredi = 6.0)
  CollapseCourse Type: Required (Kredi = 5.0, AktsKredi = 6.0)
   4PSI208Theories of Personality IIRequired3003.04.0
   4AIIT202Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution IIRequired2002.02.0
 CollapsePeriod: 5 (Kredi = 48.0, AktsKredi = 81.0)
  CollapseCourse Type: Required (Kredi = 6.0, AktsKredi = 11.0)
   5PSY301Abnormal Psychology IRequired3003.06.0
   5PSI303Organizational PsychologyRequired3003.05.0
  CollapseCourse Type: Elective (Kredi = 42.0, AktsKredi = 70.0)
   5PSI331Theories of PsychotherapyElective3003.05.0
   5PSI323Psychology of FamilyElective3003.05.0
   5PSI325Projects in Cognitive PsychologyElective2023.05.0
   5PSY341Personnel Development and TrainingElective3003.05.0
   5PSY343Group Process and Team DevelopmentElective3003.05.0
   5PSY339Evolutionary PsychologyElective3003.05.0
   5PSY345Individual DifferencesElective3003.05.0
   5PSI321Forensic PsychologyElective3003.05.0
   5PSY327Selected Topics in PsychopathologyElective3003.05.0
   5PSI329Educational PsychologyElective3003.05.0
   5PSI333Stress ManagementElective3003.05.0
   5PSI337Psychology of MusicElective3003.05.0
   5PSI335Traffic PsychologyElective3003.05.0
   5PSI347Basic Genetics in PsychologyElective3003.05.0
 CollapsePeriod: 6 (Kredi = 36.0, AktsKredi = 60.0)
  CollapseCourse Type: Required (Kredi = 3.0, AktsKredi = 6.0)
   6PSY302Abnormal Psychology IIRequired3003.06.0
  CollapseCourse Type: Elective (Kredi = 33.0, AktsKredi = 54.0)
   6PSI308Developmental Psychology TestsElective3003.04.0
   6PSI336Testing and Assessment in Industrial PsychologyElective3003.05.0
   6PSY338Selected Topics in Forensic PsychologyElective3003.05.0
   6PSI330Interpersonal Relations and CommunicationElective3003.05.0
   6PSI328Cyber PsychologyElective3003.05.0
   6PSI322Theories of Family and Couples TherapyElective3003.05.0
   6PSI324Selected Topics in PsycholinguisticsElective3003.05.0
   6PSY326Selected Topics in Behavioral NeuroscienceElective3003.05.0
   6PSI334Social and Emotional Development in ChildhoodElective3003.05.0
 CollapsePeriod: 7 (Kredi = 42.0, AktsKredi = 70.0)
  CollapseCourse Type: Required (Kredi = 6.0, AktsKredi = 10.0)
   7PSI403Clinical PsychologyRequired3003.05.0
   7PSI401Health PsychologyRequired3003.05.0
  CollapseCourse Type: Elective (Kredi = 36.0, AktsKredi = 60.0)
   7PSY421Neurocognitive AssessmentElective2023.05.0
   7PSI441Positive PsychologyElective3003.05.0
   7PSI447Family RelationshipsElective3003.05.0
   7PSI425Field WorkElective2203.05.0
   7PSI433Projects in Developmental PsychologyElective2023.05.0
   7PSY427Psychology, Social Programs and Social PolicyElective3003.05.0
   7PSY439Experimental Psychology ProjectElective2023.05.0
   7PSI429Assessment and Evaluation in PsychologyElective3003.05.0
   7PSI449Selected Topics in Industrial PsychologyElective3003.05.0
   7PSI443Critical Reading and Writing in PsychologyElective3003.05.0
   7PSI445Group TherapiesElective3003.05.0
   7PSY423Selected Topics in Developmental Psychology: MentalizationElective3003.05.0
 CollapsePeriod: 8 (Kredi = 33.0, AktsKredi = 55.0)
  CollapseCourse Type: Required (Kredi = 3.0, AktsKredi = 5.0)
   8PSI402Clinical InterviewingRequired3003.05.0
  CollapseCourse Type: Elective (Kredi = 30.0, AktsKredi = 50.0)
   8PSI428Case StudiesElective3003.05.0
   8PSY430Psychology of Religion and SpiritualityElective3003.05.0
   8PSI426Sensation and PerceptionElective3003.05.0
   8PSI432Projects in Clinical PsychologyElective3003.05.0
   8PSI436Projects in Social PsychologyElective2023.05.0
   8PSI442Parenting and Child Rearing AttitudesElective3003.05.0
   8PSY434Developmental PsychopathologyElective3003.05.0
   8PSI444Trauma PsychologyElective3003.05.0
   8PSI446Research in Health PsychologyElective3003.05.0
        Kredi = 197.0AktsKredi = 318.0